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Registration Info


New Student and Kindergarten Registration


To enter Kindergarten, your child must be five years old on or before July 31st of the upcoming school year. Kindly remind your family, friends and neighbors with children living in our school district that they can register at the school.


When registering, parents and guardians will need to bring the following documents. You may fill out and print the forms in advance, or be prepared to complete the forms at the school office.


  • Enrollment Form (SIS-10W Form)

  • Home Language Survey (if new to DOE system)

  • McKinney-Vento Act Form

  • Ali‘iolani Registration Form

  • Kindergarten Questionnaire (if enrolling for Gr. K)

  • Supplemental Kindergarten Enrollment Form (if enrolling for Gr. K)

  • Child's Birth Certificate

    • If a student is from a foreign country, the student's passport or student visa is acceptable.​

  • Student Health Record (Form 14)

  • Proof of current address

    • Documentation by the parent or legal guardian that the child resides at an address within the school's attendance boundary. Preferred documentation to establish proof of residence includes the following. One or more of the following may be requested:​

      1. Rental/lease agreement, mortgage document, or current real property assessment document in the parent/guardian's name. A signed and accepted offer to a lease agreement from the leasing office is acceptable, if the following are included: Parent/legal guardian's name and signature with date of acceptance; residential address; effective date of offer; available unit date; and, deadline to respond date.​

      2. Utility bill for water, electric, gas or telephone that indicates that the billing is in the parent/guardian's name and is being sent to the house; and

      3. If the parent or legal guardian cannot provide documentation of legal residence because the parent/legal guardian is living with a relative/friend, a notarized statement by the relative/friend can be accepted by the school with the following stipulation: (a) Notarized statement must state that the parent/legal guardian and child are living with the relative/friend; (b) Notarized statement must state the name of relative/friend that is on the relative/friend’s proof of legal residence; (c) Notarized statement must state the same address of relative/friend that is on the relative/friend’s proof of legal residence; (d) A copy of the relative/friend’s proof of legal residence must be attached to the notarized statement; and (e) Notarized statement must be signed by same name of relative/friend that is on the relative/friend’s proof of legal residence.

    • Children experiencing homelessness are covered by enrollment guidelines provided by the McKinney-Vento Act Form


Other Documents If Applicable:

  • Documents from a previous school

    • These can include a release packet with an unofficial transcript or latest report card, and for special education students, Individual Education Plan.​

  • Legal documents

    • Documents may include:​

      • Power of Attorney if the child is not living with the parents.​

      • Temporary Restraining Order.

      • Guardianship documents.

      • Legal name change.

      • Court orders.


The DOE works in conjunction with the Department of Health to ensure students meet key health and immunization requirements. By the first day of school, all students entering school in Hawai‘i for the first time must have:

  • Tuberculosis (TB) clearance, AND​

  • A completed student health record (Form 14) that includes:

    • Physical examination (PE)​

    • All required immunizations

    • OR,

    • A signed statement or a medical appointment card from your child's doctor to prove that you child is in the process of completing missing immunizations or the PE.

Students who have not completed these requirements by the first day of school will not be allowed to attend school until these requirements are met. Please read this letter from the Department of Health for parents and guardians.


If your child requires emergency rescue medications or other daily/routine medications, please fill out this form and bring to the school office.


Students transferring to Ali‘iolani from a public school in Hawai‘i must present to our office the release card (Form 211) which was issued by the releasing school. Students transferring from a non-public school in Hawai‘i or from any out-of-state school should present a release card, report card or any information that would facilitate registration and placement.


Please send a written request or telephone at least three days before the child(ren)'s last day in school. This will enable the office staff to secure the necessary information and prepare a release card for your child. Please give your new address, telephone number and the name of the new school, if possible. We prefer having a parent come for the card on the child's last day of school since it contains information which should not be lost.


School Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. M-F except State Holidays
Please contact the school office at 808-733-4750, if you have any questions.


Click here to download Enrollment Form SIS-10W


Home Language Survey for

All Newly Enrolling Students 
Form HLS


View information details on how to enroll on Department of Education's website

KIOSK Instructions

PORTAL Instructions


Click here to download Student Health Record (Form 14).


If there are any changes to student's household information, please fill out this form and bring to school office.


If your child requires emergency medications or other daily/routine medications, please fill out this form and bring to school office.


For detailed information about Geographic Exception visit the Department of Education's website.



Aliiolani Students
Be the I in Kind
Turkey Trot
Students getting ready for Kaimuki Christmas Parade

©2017-2024 Ali‘iolani Elementary School.

1240 7th Ave. Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96816

Phone: 808.730.0700

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