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Principal's Message


Aloha Parents, Guardians, and Community Members,


We are thrilled to have you as part of the Ali‘iolani Ohana! Our primary goal is to guide every student on a journey towards unlocking their full potential. Through a combination of dynamic exploration, robust curriculum, and effective instructional practices, we aim to create authentic learning experiences and enriching opportunities.


Here at Ali‘iolani, we believe in empowering every student to make a difference in society and helping others - through an approach founded on love, active living, and continuous learning. Our exceptional team of teachers and staff is committed to fostering each student, both academically and socially, ensuring that they are well-equipped to navigate the challenges of our ever-evolving world.


We take tremendous pride in offering our students hands-on learning experiences that broaden their perspectives and cultivate a sense of belonging and responsibility to the school community.


We appreciate your unwavering support and look forward to an exciting new school year of life-long learning."



Leonard Padayhag

Aliiolani Students
Be the I in Kind
Turkey Trot
Students getting ready for Kaimuki Christmas Parade

©2017-2024 Ali‘iolani Elementary School.

1240 7th Ave. Honolulu, Hawai‘i 96816

Phone: 808.733.4750

Aliiolani Twitter Account
Aliiolani Instagram Account
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