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The official school day for students begins at 8:05 a.m. and ends at 2:15 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, and at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday. Please stress to your children the importance of attending school regularly and being punctual. A student getting to class after 8:05 a.m. is considered tardy. Also, since staff supervision of children cannot be provided before and after school, children are discouraged from playing on the school campus prior to and after school hours. J.P.O.s are on duty 7:30-7:45 a.m. and 2:15-2:30 p.m. (1:00-1:15 p.m. on Wednesday). Students are to remain within the designated campus boundaries at all times.


Students should leave campus immediately after school ends unless authorized to attend a school activity such as tutoring or A+ after-school program.


Students should avoid climbing trees, gates, railings, fences and the school building. All students have a responsibility to be respectful to fellow students, property, and adults on campus.


Any student leaving campus during school hours must have a Student Pass from the office or health room and be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Parents are not allowed to pick up their child directly at the classroom, but meet their child at the office or health room. To avoid delays when picking up your child during the school day for scheduled doctor appointments and other planned events, please notify the school office in advance. Stopping in or calling the office by 8:30 a.m. will help ensure that reminders are in place, your child is sent to the office at the appropriate time, and homework or unfinished work can be managed more efficiently.


Please put student safety first and be considerate of other drivers when dropping off and picking up your child. If you need to get out of your vehicle to drop off or pick up your child, please park in the unmarked stalls of the large guest parking lot next to the cafeteria. If a stall is not available, either find street parking or drive around until an unmarked stall becomes available. Please do not park in an area that blocks other vehicles or stops the flow of traffic. Thank you for working with us to keep our campus safe.


All children in Hawai‘i, ages 6-18 are required by law to attend school (Hawaii Revised Statues, Section 302A-1132). Consistent school attendance is a key factor in providing children the opportunity to achieve the optimum benefits of education. Unexcused and/or excessive absences and tardies are unacceptable and prevent maximum learning from taking place. 


View detailed information about our attendance policy

To promote student accountability and to ensure date collection, the school will process attendance on a daily basis. The school will only excuse absences if absences are for one of the following reasons:
1. Illness
2. Injury
3. Doctor/Dentist appointment
4. Family Emergency
5. Special cases approved by the Principal

Unexcused absences include the following activities which may occur during the school day:
1. Caring for family members
2. Entertaining visitors/guests
3. Family vacations*
4. Parent request without explanation
5. Personal business
*NOTE: Parents must notify the school in writing as soon as plans for any extended absences have been made. Please understand that family trips will be marked as unexcused unless it is due to a family emergency (i.e. funeral, etc). Make up work will be provided upon request.


You may request for homework when calling the school to notify the office of your child's absence. Parents are encouraged to call the office (733-4750) by 8:30 a.m. to report absences and to request homework. Homework may be picked up after school in the office between 2:15-4:00 p.m. Calling the office to confirm that assignments are available may save you a trip.


Students who arrive at school after the official start time (8:05 a.m.) are considered tardy and must report to the office upon arrival to check in. Parents must report to the office with their child. All excused absence reasons apply also to excused tardies. All other reasons must be reviewed by an administrator before a tardy is excused.

Unexcused tardies include:
1. Overslept
2. Late start
3. Traffic
4. All unexcused absence reasons apply


The following is a list of some of the specific offenses and possible disciplinary action as outlined in Chapter 19-Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews and Arrests, and Restitution for Vandalism and Negligence.

Prohibited Student Conduct

  • Class A Offenses-Unlawful Conduct: Assault; burglary; possession or use of dangerous weapons or instruments; extortion; possession, use or sale of firearms; possession, use or sale of illicit substances; murder; property damage; robbery; sexual offenses; terroristic threatening.

  • Class B Offenses-Unlawful Conduct: Disorderly conduct; rendering of false alarm; gambling; harassment; theft; trespassing.

  • Class C Offenses-Department-Prohibited Conduct: Class cutting; insubordination; leaving campus without consent; possession or use of tobacco substances; truancy.

  • Class D Offenses-School-Prohibited Conduct: possession or use of contraband; any other conduct as may be prescribed and prohibited by school rules.

Contraband-Items include but are not limited to:

Weapons (any type of guns, including toy guns, knives, swords, explosive devices, etc); drugs and alcohol; electronic devices (video games, music players, etc); gum; trading cards (Pokemon, sports, etc); Cell phone use (phones are allowed at school, but should be turned off during school hours); skateboards, scooters, and skates.


Disciplinary Procedures and Consequences

Chapter 19: School personnel will follow the Hawaii Administrative Rules (HAR), Chapter 19 regarding Student Misconduct, Discipline, School Searches and Seizures, Reporting Offenses, Police Interviews and Arrests, and Restitution for Vandalism. Parents and students will receive a copy of the HAR Chapter 19 at the start of the school year.

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